Home Advocacy & Survivorship

Advocacy & Survivorship

Information from lung cancer advocates and personal experiences shared by lung cancer survivors.

Profile of Advocacy: Shanghai Cancer Recovery Club

IASLC Lung Cancer News is pleased to present the following Q&A with the staff of Shanghai Cancer Recovery Club, an organization in Shanghai, China,...

Deb Violette, Lung Cancer Survivor and Advocate: Her Story

Posted: June 2017 Editor’s note: IASLC Lung Cancer News is committed to including the patient’s voice and experience of having lung cancer as part of...

Lung Cancer Survivor Wins Trip to US NFL 2016 Pro Bowl

By Nicola M. Parry, DVM Lung cancer survivor Kathy Weber is an ardent ambassador for the International Association for the Study of Lung Cancer (IASLC)....

Memoir Resonates with Oncologists and Patients with Lung Cancer

By Lori Alexander, MTPW, ELS, MWC How does a person with stage IV lung cancer live a meaningful life? That’s the question Paul Kalanithi explores...

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