IASLC’s Guide to COVID-19 and Lung Cancer

The IASLC is collecting member and patient experiences with COVID-19 as a way to pool knowledge and connect our members during this public health crisis. These stories, information from the Journal of Thoracic Oncology (JTO), and official statements from the IASLC will be published on this page. In addition, this page will feature links to important resources such as journal articles and social media groups relevant to the care of patients with lung cancer.

If you would like to share a video or written statement about your personal interactions, concerns, guidance and hopes, please send your submission via email to [address]. Instructions about how to transfer video files will be supplied as requested.

[Caicun headshot]

Caicun Zhou, PhD, MD—China
IASLC Board Member
Director of the Department of Oncology, Shanghai Pulmonary Hospital
Director of the Cancer Institute of Tongji University Medical School
Chairman of the Oncology Department at Tongji University

As everyone knows, we have been fighting against COVID-19 in China for a couple of months. The situation has improved very recently, with the number of newly confirmed cases falling below 10% for many days and eventually falling to zero.

The virus is very contagious so prevention measures are very important. We found face masks and frequent hand washing to be effective. Almost everyone, healthy or sick, wears masks when outside of the home, although large gatherings were forbidden and small businesses, such as restaurants were closed.

Approximately 50,000 medical staff were sent to Wuhan to provide medical care specifically to patients with COVID-19 since the virus’s origin. Many temporary infection-control hospitals were built in Hubei province, and all suspected cases and confirmed cases were hospitalized and provided free medical care. Due to these measures, as well as to the controlled interactions of the public, we have been able to achieve containment in mainland China.

I am sorry about the outbreak of COVID-19 throughout the world, but I hope that through collaboration and preventative measures, we will be able to make the virus disappear soon.

[Janet headshot]

Janet Freeman-Daily—USA

Janet is a retired aerospace systems engineer, freelance writer, and metastatic lung cancer patient/activist. Diagnosed in 2011, her focus is now on translating the experience and science of lung cancer for others. She serves as a research advocate for two NCCN facilities, the NCI and other government agencies, and as an Editorial Group member for the IASLC Lung Cancer News. She has collaborated on research and education projects with lung cancer nonprofits, published research papers and science articles, and cofounded #LCSM Chat, the ROS1ders, and Hope with Answers.

[Janet’s update for Slate article]

Read Janet’s full Slate article, published March 12, 2020.

Official Statements for IASLC Members and Meeting Attendees
To our members and meeting attendees, please find our updated statements on the coronavirus disease and its potential impact on both our World Conference on Lung Cancer and other 2020 meetings.

NEW: IASLC Statement on Coronavirus Disease 2019/2020
IASLC Statement on Coronavirus Disease 2019 and WCLC 2020
ELCC 2020 Congress Cancelled
Coronavirus update to the media

JTO Articles
Please find the most recent content published and in-press on the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) in our Journal of Thoracic Oncology. This collection of links will be updated as we add new articles and information.

Pulmonary Pathology of Early-Phase 2019 Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) Pneumonia in Two Patients With Lung Cancer

Letter to the Editor: The Treatment and Outcome of a Lung Cancer Patient Infected with SARS-CoV-2
Editorial: Coronaviruses: Facts, Myths and Hypotheses
Press Release: International Team of Clinicians Publishes First-Ever Pathology of the Early Phase of lung infection with the 2019 Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19)

Exuberant plasmocytosis in bronchoalveolar lavage of the first patient requiring Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation for SARS-CoV-2 in Europe

Other Helpful Resources
Johns Hopkins Global Coronavirus Tracker
New England Journal of Medicine
Twitter: #HighRiskCOVID19
Lungevity COVID-19 FAQs for people with lung cancer
World Health Organization general information on COVID-19