Welcome from David Carbone, MD, PhD, IASLC President

These are exciting times in lung cancer treatment and research, but there is still a lot of room for improvement in propagating these discoveries to all lung cancer patients around the world, and converting responses to cures; in this context, as President of the International Association for the Study of Lung Cancer, I am pleased to welcome you to the first issue of IASLC Lung Cancer News.

Important issues for lung cancer experts and health care providers worldwide will be covered in IASLC Lung Cancer News, spanning all specialties and ranging from the role of screening and early detection to the latest treatment approaches and management strategies for advanced disease.

Up until a few years ago, we had a one-size-fits-all approach to the management of lung cancer. Tumor genomics and molecular therapeutics have recently spurred a paradigm shift in our treatment standards for lung cancer. We now know that every lung cancer and every patient is unique, and that defining the presence or absence of key biomarkers in each patient is crucial for matching that patient to the most appropriate treatments. Today, patients with lung cancer and related malignancies can be offered hope for more effective, less toxic personalized therapies. Science is directly affecting patient care, and scientists who take care of patients are discovering new science.

In this and future issues, contributors will describe new insights, opportunities, and challenges of potential importance for researchers and health care providers relevant to our patients with thoracic cancers. I welcome the readership to this important publication.